Thursday, March 24, 2011

5 Miles and A Food Journal

Today was a big day for me!  Phyllis and I walked 5 miles!  That is the furthest I've walked in quite awhile.
Now it took us longer this time.  We left at 9:16am and returned at 11:00am.  However, we stopped for about 5 minutes at the half way point - which today was my driveway.  So about an hour and 45 minutes.  And there were some HUGE hills that were not only steep, but long.  So that really slowed us down.  And it was 49 degrees and cold today!  I think the next time we do a 5 miler, we are going to do a more flat route and see how much we can kick that time down.  We did get a good leg workout with those hills today, though!
My scale is just not budging.  I asked my friend Kathi what she thought.  She said send me a few pages from your food journal.  I got the deer in the headlight look.  I usually write in my food journal everyday, but the past few days I really slacked and for no particular reason.  So I was good today and wrote down every morsal then typed it to her in an email including my total and it blew my mind!!!  Thank goodness we walked 5 miles today.  And really even thinking now about my intake today, it doesn't seem all that bad.  Until I saw the actual numbers.  Food journals are such an important part of daily weight and fitness management and even more importantly to take the time to look up the calories for foods you don't know and then a finally tally.  Cuz sometimes just looking at the foods you ate doesn't phase you until you see the numbers that go along with them.  So just went I thought my diet was pretty good, especially compared to before, I already know why that scale isn't budging. 
I also jumped and flipped around on the trampoline again tonight.  We're gonna have to get one of those!

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