Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 10 (366) - American breakfast and back pain

I just had to say that today I got on the scale and it dropped to 163.4  So going back into the right direction.  For breakfast my daughter wanted me to slice up some strawberries.  And she loves blueberries, so I threw them together, sprinkled about 1/4 tsp sugar and she loved them.  Looked so good I made some for myself.  then my son came in and HE wanted some!
Now doesn't that look like an all American healthy breakfast? 

Apparently it isn't as good for your brain as oatmeal is.  Because after my back feeling pretty good yesterday, I think I'll lift the mower trainer myself and pull it down the driveway and turn it around so it faces the right direction to hook up when hubby comes home.  I'm now on the couch after taking some Ibuprofen.  I hope I don't start my birthday year crouched over and in pain!  That would really suck!

Tonight is the kids VBS dinner and program.  They're serving pizza.  grrrrrr!  I don't want pizza.  My stomach is upset this afternoon.  So I ate some popcorn to fill me up.  I'll just have water at the dinner.  Too bad they weren't also serving salad.  I always think the two go together nicely.  That way if someone wants a healthier option or to tone down the greasy pizza, it's available.

I did walk 2.2 miles yesterday while the kids were gone.  It felt good.  

So this ends my 38th year.  And hopefully the last time I see numbers as high as 163.4 again!!!
Tomorrow starts the count down under a year!  YIKES!

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