Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 6 (371)

I woke up feeling great, but did not do well as far as eating.  I always do worse on the weekends even though I realize this and need to get it under control.
I had coffee with Sweet n Low!  I had a McDonald's cheeseburger - why? why? why? 
We took the kids to Cars2!  So much fun!  I can't remember the last time we got to go as a family!  Cory is always working, so the kids and I go to the movies by ourselves, usually.  But Cory said, Get a large popcorn and drink.  Thinking the 4 of us would be eating it, that didn't seem outrageous ~ until I saw the large popcorn.  It was more like a bucket!  And 2 medium drinks - those were like super Super SUPER-SIZED drinks from any restaraunt!  It was Diet Coke, but still.  And since we were at Wal-mart earlier, we picked up Raisinets, Whoppers, and Junior Mints.  ARGH!  Now obviously I didn't all of that myself, but I did consume most of the Raisinets.  I just feel horrible.  I came home and wanted to drink tons of water, but it seemed every glass I filled and walked away from, hubby took and drank for himself. 
I weigh in on Sunday for the first time - I wasn't thinking about that at all!  That thought might have convinced me to not consume so much crap!  Ugh.
For happiness - I haven't specifically mentioned anything lately.  I painted my daughter's room Friday.  The color is just magnificant and I really want to just sit in her room in her big oval chair and just relax.  She and my son helped paint and we had a great time together.  Also, I've removed another stressor relationship in my life.  Each time I do this, not that I want to make it a habit, I feel better and better.  Perhaps like a hot air balloon, I've been tied down by heavy woven ropes.  As they are removed ,one by one, I'm starting to float higher and higher into the blue sky!

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