Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 31 (344) It's been a month

Hope you like the changes I've made to this blog.  I just was never happy with the other design.

Well today is the start of my 2nd month on this adventure.  Here is a break down of Month 1.
Starting weight:     163.8
Month end weight: 162.5
Total Amount Lost: 1.3 lbs

Not very impressive, is it?  I should be losing 1.3 lbs per week not per month.  So that is my new goal, to lose per week this month, what took me a whole month to do last month.  That should put me at at least 157.3.  Oh man, that would be GREAT!!!!

I'm pretty happy with my exercise, although it could be a little more routine.  I'm really liking biking and it seems to relieve my feet and not effect my carpal tunnel too much so far.  I would like to alternate between biking and walking, though, if my feet will allow it.

I think, right now, eating is my downfall.  I've had a few too many falls off the wagon, i.e. McDonald's, too much wine/tea, and of course - POTATO AND POTATO PRODUCTS!!!  My goals for this month is ABSOLUTELY NO FAST FOOD!  This is going to be hard.  it's so easy to drive thru Burger King or Wendys. 

So that is my one month wrap up and my upcoming month's goals:
1.3 lbs per week and No fast food!

1 comment:

Jane said...

A loss is a loss no matter how small! Now, I'm not going to blow sunshine up your fanny, because we do know that you CAN do better. Now I'm going to make a "fast-food" suggestion. Never, Never EVER use the drive through!!!!!!! If you MUST have it, park your car, get the kids together, and WALK up to the counter. That's the same for coffee too! I'll bet that will change your attitude on about half of the times you are tempted. Life's a game and YOU can make the rules!