Tuesday, January 24, 2012

159 - Tosca Retweeted Me!!!

Tosca Retweet

This made my day!! 
I finished,  "Just The Rules" over lunch and Tweeted that on Twitter and to Tosca.  To my surprise, she Retweeted my message.  Made me perk up after a long morning.

I'm funkish today.  All over the radio and internet and news they're saying this is the time that most people give or falter on their New Year's Resolutions.  I laughed, while working out, when I heard that last night. 
But today, I had my oatmeal again, but I was craving salt on the way to work - thinking hashbrowns, sausage, potato chips as I passed Burger King and Walgreens.  I had nothing salty in my lunch bag and I knew I'd cave.  So I saw, GASP, a White Castle but opted for something less bad for me.  An egg and cheese sandwich - small like the burger.  It was 160 calories.  More than I needed after my oatmeal, and it didn't really even taste that great.  What do I saw about craving salt?  It means you need hydration!  I have been incredibly thirsty, too! 

I hope I don't falter anymore.  I want to charge forward and feel great.  All those clothes I got at work, are a hair too tight.  I could wear them but I think I'll just wait a week or so when they feel much better on me.

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