Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 44 (330) - How I think

Today I weigh 163.4.  I was 162.0 last week.  I was 162.7 Wednesday.
Now, true, Wednesday night I had (((gulp))) a Wendy's jr cheeseburger delux  - which is simply a kids burger with cheese (which I DID NOT WANT, since I ordered a HAMBURGER delux), lettuce, onions, tomato and pickles - oh slight mayo, ketchup, mustard.  I'm just saying it's small.  And then that night we ordered Chinese food - General Tso's chicken and fried rice and an egg roll.  But I cannot believe after eatting well all week, one freaking day will ruin it. 
Ugh.  One of the reasons I love this blog, is I come here to seeking help from myself sometimes.  Does that make sense?  Prime example, just by typing what I did above, I can (cuz I am great at criticism) clearly see what happened.  And here is what my thoughts would be if I were reading this as someone elses:
1- if you have a weigh in on Thursday, why would you chose Wednesday for a cheat day?
2- the jr burger isn't that bad, but your goal for this month was no fast food, so WTH? And if you didn't order the cheese, why didn't you just take it off?
3- Chinese food?!  Have you seen the calories, fat and sodium in Chinese food?

And my rebuttle to my own criticism?  Not that it matters?
1- I didn't "choose" it to be a cheat day, it just happened for the following reasons:
2- Went to interview and got there an hour early.  Didn't plan that.  And because of my nervousness I didn't eat lunch, so Wendy's was there, I needed to kill time, and I didnt' want a growling stomach.  Thought about the goal I made, but thought this was an exception.  Removing cheese would be messy and I was dressed for an interview.
3-  Interview took longer than expected and didn't get back to my town until 6:30pm.  i didn't want to cook and hubby suggested we get Chinese food.  It'd been awhile, so I agreed.  Was just going to have 2 egg rolls, but knew that would only send me to the fridge later in the evening for bad things.  So got an entree.

My criticism to my rebuttle - Pathetic!  Start planning ahead to avoid disasters.  Sheesh!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Well, things are working out GREAT! Now is your chance to take charge! You are doing the exercise, work is falling into place, now FOCUS on your food journal. You have a good eye and usually make the right call. Just DO IT!