Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm feeling sick today.  I felt fine last night.  Today I woke up with the thick grossness in my throat, goopy eyes and nauseous stomach.  All my joints hurt.  Why does this happen on Mondays and not Friday nights when I can recoop all weekend?  Knowing I had to go to work regardless, I took a hot hot vapo bath at 5:30am, guzzled some Dayquil and headed out the door.  When do I get to rest?  No one got up and took care of me! 
I got to start my day off checking emails quickly and  lucky for me my work emails were snyde replies from doctors and about 15 qa's of my work.  Then off to a 4 hour orientation that was VERY interative.  By the time lunch rolled around I just wanted to go home.  I finally ate a turkey sandwich with some Sprite and at least feel like the ground quit rolling.

Here's to Health and Happiness on my Monday!!!

1 comment:

Jane said...

OMG! I wondered why you were off the grid today. I hope you are getting some rest and relaxing.