Monday, September 26, 2011

278 - SIX

Since I've not felt too happy lately, I thought I'd share six things that actually make me happy to kick of my Monday and work week.....

1) My kids - I hesitated to put this because all parents say their kids make them happy, right?  No, not all of them.  And I wanted to be sure I wasn't just saying it for the mom of the year award.  But it's not that.  Seeing my kids face actually makes my chest warm and my heart swell!  When they smile, my heart then melts.  When I put them to bed after a long day of fun and happiness, or stress and frustration, I always tell them, "You make me happy!".  So yes, my kids make me happy! I could not live one day on this Earth without them!!!

2) Cold Grey Rainy days.  Yep, call me Sheri Grey!  Nothing makes my toes wiggle and my soul come alive like a rainy cold day!  I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know on days like this I'm more productive, I feel healthier, I'm more alive!!!!  I want to be outside in this weather and not having an umbrella doesn't bother me. 

3) Coffee.  A nice oversized mug, actually I prefer my particular red one at home, filled almost to the top with semi hot coffee, a large splash of half and half, and a sweet n low.  Once autumn begins, my Friday treat of Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks begins.  The smell, the taste, the whip cream.  It's just heaven, warms my body and makes me...well...happy!

4) Music - I love music!  I can escape listening to music or by playing music on the piano.  So many thoughts and emotions come to me and through me via music.  I'm not sure how some people go without it, or arent' moved by it as much as I am!  It can play on my emotions both good and bad, but none the less can move me!

5) God - this is another one I hesitated on so that I don't sound like I'm listing what I "should" instead of what I truly "feel".  But I have a very special close relationship to Him and Jesus and we spend a lot of time talking!  Ive been blessed by so much and my prayers have been answered so often!  Church doesn't always make me happy, but being there listening to His word, does!!

Girl Praying

6) My friends.  I've never been one to have a lot of friends.  As I've gotten older, I've realized some that I thought were my friends, truely were not.  Having removed the "filler" friends from my life, the true, heartfelt, loyal, honest (even if I don't want to hear it), giving, taking, loving friends are the ones who have remained! 

And these SIX things, make me happy!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Very sweet, sincere list. Knowing you, I know you've hit the nail on the head.