Tuesday, April 17, 2012


...Yes, yes I did. 
So far I'm up after just a few hours sleep (this is gonna change starting tonight no matter what), had my coffee (no Sweet N Low), and a big heaping bowl of oatmeal.
This is my early morning Me desk - -
Clockwise from top - my Quaker oats cilander,my coupons I cut out, lap top up and going ready to post this post actually, bowl of quick oats with 1 tbsp honey and 1 tsbp cinnamon, my Nook and look who is on it - Tosca!  I subscribed to Oxygen via my Nookcolor last night.  Above that my coffee, next to that my Bible with the year reading plan, and then my green recipe folder with the Crock Pot lid on top of it - I'm making Mediterranean Chicken with pepperoncini and kalamata olives tonight and so looking forward to it.

I get up with my husband about 5am every morning.  I walk him out the door and the come to this breakfast counter and love this quiet time.  I try to plan my day, get my daily dose of spirituality, and hopefully some breakfast.
I weighed in this am and lost 1.3 pounds.  I think my body is used to 164 NOT being my normal weight.  I'm more normal in the 162 area.  That's going to change, too!  I measured myself today too.  I hadn't done that since Jan 1st.  I lost 1/2" in my neck (that can't be right), 1/2" in my waist, and 2.5" in my hips.  I don't think I measure myself right.  But we'll see.
Does anyone else read Oxygen?  I was so excited to tap through the pages, but mostly I saw vitamins and pills and powders.  Am I so naive to think the bodies on those pages are purely by Clean Eating and working out? 
While I ponder that thought, I'm going to knock out some situps and work these abs!  
Have a great day!

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