Monday, May 28, 2012

33 days

I'm going to attempt to slap myself into being better starting today.
I was going to wait until tomorrow, but the scale screamed, NO TODAY!!!!
So far - 1 cup of coffee with 2 tbsp hazelnut creamer.  And I plan on going for a walk to bike ride today.
Yesterday in Best Buy my son and I were looking at DS games.  In the pre-owned section, I saw this

It was only $4.99, so I thought, well both my kids have a DS so I'll let them use the ipad when I want to use their DS.  ha ha ha

I can't post today and say something about Memorial Day.  I looked on the website, but I could not find the story I saw on the news last night.  There is a group called tag, or something similar, for family's that lost someone in the military.  Yesterday they all wrote notes to their lost loved one, attached it to a balloon, and then let them go.  There was a little boy who just said, "I really miss my dad.  He didn't do anything wrong.  He was a good man."  OMGG I tear up just now thinking about it.

Remember today, those who fought for our freedom, and the sweet ones they left behind.

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