Friday, September 9, 2011

My name is Sheri, and I am a chees-aholic

A friend from church is from Wisconsin.  She is older, and I just love her to pieces.  She was in Wisconsin for a few day and posted on Facebook.  So it immediately took me back to times when we had our cabin in Spooner and stopped in Chitek, Wisconsin.  We'd buy two weeks worth of fresh bacon, cheese and of course, CHEESE CURDS (not 2 weeks worth, though).  Once we moved to TN, I never returned to our  cabin, Spooner, or Chitek again.  So when Ginny posted that she was going to Wisconsin, I thought of Cheese Curds and said, "Bring me some cheese curds!!!"  Honestly, I never expected her to actually bring me any.  So when she sent me an email saying she had them I about died!!!

To be honest, I didn't really remember what chese curds were.  Other than I really liked them.  Last week, I was so sick and sick to my stomach,  I couldn't imagine I could eat any.  Ginny said not to fear, that they would last and she'd bring them to our Learning Committee Meeting at Church Thursday.  I was surprised, pleasantly! 

Sure enough she had a container of yellow and white cheese curds.  My immediate thought?  Colby Jack cheese.  I tried one immediately - smooth, salty, sooooo good!  I had my pastor try one - he liked them.  When I got home, Owen tried one - (I left he word, "curd" out, as kids in general are not going to like anything named a "curd").  He liked it.  Because my stomach was still funky, so I only had a total of 3 pieces. 

Today, at work, I decided to Google Cheese Curd Nutrition.  Nothing could have prepared me for what Google was about to appear on my computer screen:

Now, 191g is the equivalent of 6.4 oz.  So less than a cup, little more than half a cup. 
710 calories?!?!?
43g of fat?!?!?!

I knew what I needed to do.  It was hard, I won't lie.  I felt guilt for asking Ginny to bring them to me, and she did!!!!  Then to only throw them away?!?!
I was good with this cheese, but I was not good with the 2 packages of Pizza Cheese I bought today to make pizza for the family after work.  It was a Mozzarella Parm mix of shredded cheese.  I opened the first package and it had settled a bit, so it was warm and just perfect.  I took a pinch.  The later, another pinch.  It was softer and warmer.  This is so wrong I actually feel embarassed typing this.  Before I knew it, the whole package of cheese was GONE!!!!!   720 calories, 56g of fat.  I'd might as well have eaten the cheese curds!
I don't know what is wrong with me!  I've never done something as crazy as eatten a whole package of shredded cheese before.  I've never lost this much self control.
I'm going to outlaw cheese in my home.  it is going to be very very very very hard.  I'm not sure I can do this, but I am going to try.  NO CHEESE.


Jane said...

Maybe now we can understand why Kathi is now VEGAN! She probably didn't have any control over cheese either!

Kathi said...

Jane you would be correct I loved cheese and often sould sit down and eat a whole block so went I read this I could totally relate. I have read some where there is something in cheese that causes like a feel good response. Cheese was one of the hardest thing to leave behind when I went vegan.