Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 76 (297) - better

Today I  have gotten back on far!
I have my food journal with me.  I am disappointed in myself that I find gaps of empty space.  But I'm writing things down and so far it's all boring: oatmeal, water, soup, granola bar.
Talking with a friend this morning, I just don't feel the hype of this path right now.  So I guess I've veered off the path, so to say.  And really I'm having difficulty getting excited about getting back on the path.  I mean, I'll do it, but I don't see the thrill or excitement in it.  I just think chicken, vegetables, water, bland, boring.
As I'm back to work I already since time restraints.  I'm feeling a huge desire to just sit and hug my kids and spend time with them. 
Oh well, we all lose interest in things at time, but know it's important to stay on track.
I'm still having a glass (or two) of wine tonigh!  Now THAT gets me excited!  LOL

1 comment:

Jane said...

Your thrill comes with spending time with your kids, so work with it! Make healthy, reasonable meals, and enjoy some fresh air and play. You have a great family so don't spend it feeling guilty. You are an amazing woman... enjoy yourself!