Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 14 (362) - Changes

I know I haven't posted since Friday, but it's been a little busy.  I have photos and foods to post about and will get to them I promise, but tonight, I am nervous.  I return to work tomorrow.  I haven't worked since the end of March!  This week is a Boot Camp (getting us back into the swing of things, refreshing us, but also doing practice charts that we HAVE to excel on !!), but I'm nervous.  I haven't coded in 3 months!!! 
When I tucked my babes in tonight, my son said, "Mom, you're gonna be tired again, right?"  I used to go on 4-5 hours a sleep a night from working.  It's hard to work from home when you have kids home.  Obviously it was noticed by my kids.  I have to figure out a way to work without effecting my sleep this time.  I need to stick to a strict schedule.  With friends dropping like flies, that shouldn't be hard.  LOL  I was working form 5am-7am, then got the kids to school, was walking, then 11-2pm work, then 9-11pm, Mon-Fri and then 5-10am on Saturdays.   Talk about cutting up a work day.  I don't know what I'll do this time.  I can pick and chose my own hours and days as long as I get in 40 hours.  I do better early in the morning and late at night.  With the kids home, maybe I can do 5-10am and then 8-10pm.  That wouldn't be too bad.  The 8-10pm is iffy.  It's not even dark yet.  And the kids go to bed about 9pm.  So that isn't really realistic.  I'd be pulling the 9-11pm thing again.  That is only 6 hours of sleep.  I'm getting about 9 hours now. 
And I'm rambling......I just need to go to sleep.  This week, my hours are set already - 8:30-5pm.  So I should get plenty of sleep without isssue. 
Okay, off to bed.  Hope I sleep!
Oh, I weighed 163.4 today, went up since my birthday, but down since last week!  Total loss - 2.1 lbs.  Hope to step it up this week if the stress doesn't eat me alive!

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