Thursday, November 3, 2011

240 - Frustrated and Thankful Thursday

The Frustrated part -

Ugh, the scale is up, up, up!!!!!  -
Nov 1- Jan 9th, my life is chaotic - or as I like to call it Holiday Hell.  Those who know me, already know this story, but it's just so stressful with EVERYTHING.  Now I'm not saying I gained 5 pounds since Nov 1, I haven't even touched Halloween candy - but I'm already losing my grasp on time, organization, planning - including lunch making and dinner, shopping. 
One thing, I've cut down on the wine.  That really isn't going to help anything by drinking calories.
I have noticed breakfast is a big thing for me, especially once it gets cold.  I wants something warm and filling!  Yesterday, get this, I made a nice bowl of healthy oatmeal.  Loved it.  Drove to work and hit Burger King - totally forgetting I JUST ATE BREAKFAST!!  I didn't even remember I had oatmeal until later that afternoon.  Now I had a nice salad for lunch, but church council after work and getting home late, what was there for dinner?  A minislice of the Red Baron's pepperoni pizza the kids and hubby had.  Now I did make another salad though, and nom nom nommed on that!
This morning - lemon water - I need to clean my system out!!!!!
Goals this week - meal plan, more water, lemon water every morning, more salad, and more walking.

Thankful Thursday -
I am so thankful for my family #1!!! 
I am very thankful for this blog.  I'm hoping it helps me map out my direction to 40.  As you can see, it's my own path as I knew it would be.  I always march to the beat of a different drum.  I'm just glad I have a place to discuss and share.

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