Sunday, June 12, 2011

What a weekend!

I know I've been missing in action.  This week was a rough week for us.  Vehicles, cars, finances, parents, injuries.  Now of course, as I'm well aware of, things could always be worse!!  Some of the things ended up not as bad as originally thought, but it still wears on your body and mind - or as I say, Health and Happiness.  My best friend, Jane, reminded me, though it wasn't drama (for once) it sounded like life!  and she was absolutely right!!!  Life happens and you just keep on truckin!!!

But rather than dwelling on the bad, I've decided to focus on some good things here! 
I got to get out and walk this week!  I walked 5.4 miles and it about killed me!!!  LOL.  I need some new shoes and am going to look at some Nike's this time.  I really thought the Rikas looked like good walking shoes, but I'm on my third pair and just totally unimpressed.  My feet say BOOOO!!!!!  Tonight I also walked, but much shorter as kiddos and hubby was with me - 2.4 miles.
I still  have not gotten a new battery for our bathroom scale.  And apparently hubby checks his weight more than I thought cuz today on the way HOME from Wal-Mart he said, "Darn!  I forgot to get a new battery for the scale again!"  I know my mouth dropped open!!  ha ha ha  I remebered it at Lowe's yesterday when we were checking out but they were 2 for $4.37.  I don't need two!  This one has lasted about 3 years!  So I passed, but then forgot it at Wal-Mart.  Grrr!

Saturday I got up and was watering the flowers and the plants like I do every day. 
And Lookie Lookie what I finally found on the cherry tomato plants:
 I wanted so badly to pick them, but knew to wait until the kids were up!  So I controlled myself and kept on watering and then forgot once the kids were up. 
But in the afternoon, I remembered and had the kids come out and let them pick them.

Only 7 little cherry tomatoes, but we were so proud!  
 One we had to chuck cuz it had already split!  But we took them in, washed them off, cut them in half, sprinkled some salt on them, and ate them!!!  We actually were nice and save a few for hubby and he literally GOBBLED them up in seconds!!  He and I are huge fresh tomato fans!!!

Further down the line, I noticed the first Marigold flower had bloomed! 
I'm a little concerned because hubby planted TONS of these little gems all along the fence line where last year the morning glories made a wall of beautiful green vines and colorful flowers.  Now they have returned, are climbing that same fence and will eventually cover up the Marigolds!!

Ahhhhh, summer's first Watermelon!!! 
I totally play Russian Roulette when picking out a watermelon.  I do stand there and tilt my head and check them all out.  I thump them, like I know you should, but have no idea what I'm listening for.  I'm not sure I've ever thumped a watermelon and thought, "Oooh that's not ripe!"  So I go through my little routine and am totally clueless if I picked a good one or not until I slice it open at home!

Ahhhhh, looks like a winner again!
 Now my camera did not seem to capture the beauty of the redness of this watermelon.  I took shots from all different angles, with and without flash, lights on, lights dimmed.  But trust me, it was red and delicious! 

Finally I decided to take my ruby red treats outside in the lime green chair and then you could see it's color (and the bags of mulch behind it- Doo!!!!)
 I love watermelon!  When I was pregant with my daughter, we went through those big watermelons, sometimes once every 2 days!!!!!  I lived on watermelon!  I can remember a friend of my growing concerned cuz it was all I'd eat and she worried the baby wouldn't get any nutrients!  LOL  My daughter is absolutely perfect, and she absolutely loves watermelon, too!!

Newest seedlings
Well doesn't that look at country?  LOL  While at Lowe's a packet of Dill Seeds caught my eye.  Our friend has some growing along the sidewalk of her pool and whenever the wind blows or we mow near it, my mouth waters for pickles!  I've been wanting to grow some dill for awhile now, so when I saw the seeds I grabbed them, paid of course, and took them home and planted them in, what else?! PICKLE JARS!!!  LOL  once they germinate and start to sprout, I'll move them onto the patio with the rest of my herbs and veggies!  Which by the way, I saw today, my peppers are starting to bloom flowers and fruit.  I'm so excited!!!

1 comment:

Kathi said...

I have to admit I am totally jealous to see all the progress on your garden. Dill comes back every year doesn't it?