Monday, March 28, 2011


What a great way to start off the week! 
After I dropped the kids off I went on a 5 mile walk.  It was chilly today but at least the sun was out!  So I got my health in for the day!
Then this afternoon a good friend that moved away came back to visit me and the kids.  We got to chat and relax and the kids played.  It was a good time and made me happy!

Cherie and Me
Look at that ham hock arm of mine!  I need to get some weights so I can start trimming that down!

And for lunch I had my minestrone and for dinner I had my minestrone.  It's such a warm soup and just makes me feel good.  And all of the vegetables: cabbage, spinach, tomatoes (lots of tomatoes) onions, garlic, zucchini, and celery.  So I should definitely getting my servings of vegetables for the day!  And really it's easy to make!  I didn't post the recipe, did I?  If you're interested let me know and I'll be glad to share!  I also fixed the nutritional info on the minestrone post - the black letters wouldn't show up on the black background.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Minestrone Soup

*I had to change the color of the font because the black wasn't showing up on this background!*

I made a huge stock pot of my famous Minestrone soup!  This is the first time I used whole grain pasta shells!  I think it's just as good!

Nutrition Facts
User Entered Recipe
  10 Servings
Amount Per Serving
  Total Fat5.4 g
     Saturated Fat1.1 g
     Polyunsaturated Fat1.5 g
     Monounsaturated Fat2.4 g
  Cholesterol0.0 mg
  Sodium4,896.2 mg
  Potassium858.4 mg
  Total Carbohydrate27.0 g
     Dietary Fiber4.8 g
     Sugars10.1 g
  Protein9.1 g
  Vitamin A60.7 %
  Vitamin B-121.3 %
  Vitamin B-618.5 %
  Vitamin C79.2 %
  Vitamin D0.0 %
  Vitamin E9.5 %
  Calcium15.1 %
  Copper13.7 %
  Folate22.7 %
  Iron15.2 %
  Magnesium20.2 %
  Manganese50.7 %
  Niacin13.8 %
  Pantothenic Acid    9.0 %
  Phosphorus    14.7 %
  Riboflavin16.2 %
  Selenium12.5 %
  Thiamin13.9 %
  Zinc5.9 %

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Same ole situation

Nothing too incredible going on around here lately, but wanted to post.
Yesterday a friend of mine had her last day of work, so of course all the ladies went to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate.  I am discovering I am replacing my given up for Lent wine with margaritas.  Not good!!!  Although I did not have the fatty cheesy dinners that everyone was ordering, I did eat too many chips with the salsa.  Today I plan to catch up on my work while I still have some and then work outside with my husband and our neighbor even though it's 37 degrees!  What is up with that?!
I checked my Jiffy starter box today and look what is happening right on my kitchen table?!?!?
These are my peperonchino plants on the left, cilantro in the middle, and jalepeno's on the right.  My little salsa garden.  I am so excited.  I removed the house lid and moved them to my windowsill.  With the crazy weather not sure when I'll be able to plant them outside, but for now I just need to keep our cat, Milo, away from them!  So my happiness for the day is that I can create!  I have brought to live little green plants from seeds and will provide myself with nutrition, health, and happiness! 
Have a happy healthy day!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

5 Miles and A Food Journal

Today was a big day for me!  Phyllis and I walked 5 miles!  That is the furthest I've walked in quite awhile.
Now it took us longer this time.  We left at 9:16am and returned at 11:00am.  However, we stopped for about 5 minutes at the half way point - which today was my driveway.  So about an hour and 45 minutes.  And there were some HUGE hills that were not only steep, but long.  So that really slowed us down.  And it was 49 degrees and cold today!  I think the next time we do a 5 miler, we are going to do a more flat route and see how much we can kick that time down.  We did get a good leg workout with those hills today, though!
My scale is just not budging.  I asked my friend Kathi what she thought.  She said send me a few pages from your food journal.  I got the deer in the headlight look.  I usually write in my food journal everyday, but the past few days I really slacked and for no particular reason.  So I was good today and wrote down every morsal then typed it to her in an email including my total and it blew my mind!!!  Thank goodness we walked 5 miles today.  And really even thinking now about my intake today, it doesn't seem all that bad.  Until I saw the actual numbers.  Food journals are such an important part of daily weight and fitness management and even more importantly to take the time to look up the calories for foods you don't know and then a finally tally.  Cuz sometimes just looking at the foods you ate doesn't phase you until you see the numbers that go along with them.  So just went I thought my diet was pretty good, especially compared to before, I already know why that scale isn't budging. 
I also jumped and flipped around on the trampoline again tonight.  We're gonna have to get one of those!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday I embarked on a walk with my friend, Phyllis.  She is in the army, although now inactive duty, but still needs to do her PT tests etc and needs to keep her distance and time up.  So she said she walks about 4 miles and then invited me to join her when I told her I walk, too!  So yesterday morning she texted me, I threw on my walkers and drove over to her house.  It was a GLORIOUS morning for a walk!  it was about 64 degrees, the sun was out, it was perfect!  We walked and we talked and kept up pace - that is so nice.  Sometimes I'll walk with people, and the more they talk the slower they walk!  I was worried my feet or knee would hurt, and my feet once ached as we turned the 2nd corner, and I thought, OH NO!:  But that was it.  And once coming up a hill I turned and got a tweek in my knee, but that's it!  I took my ibuprofen ahead of time and afterwards, and I think that helped.  All in all we walked 4.4 miles in one hour and twenty minutes.  So that's about 3.5 mph - not too bad!  We are going to walk 5 miles Thursday!
I ate well, other than after Brownie scouts,we went to my parents house where Cory and Owen were working and they ordered pizza.  Now what am I supposed to eat?!  Usually mom has lettuce I thought at least I could eat some salad - nope!  So I had 1 slice of cheese only pizza.  I so wanted to go back for some pepperoni, but I didnt!  I had my veggie sandwich for lunch earlier and Multigrain Cheerios for breakfast, so I did pretty well.  When I got home I drank a Slimfast.  I expected big changes on the scale, but no- of course not.  I'm starting to really hate that scale.
Anyway - hoping for another beautiful day here in the South!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tosca, Forgiveness, and Sixx!!!

Well not so active a day as this weekend had been.  I worked at my desk then got out and rode the aerator around the yard with the kids, cleaned the van - and I mean cleaned - took plastic floor plates off and am still scouring the spilt whatever gross stuff was down there!  I got an email from the library that my book request was ready.  I went and picked up Tosca Reno's Your Best  Body Now.
Tosca Reno's Best Body Now
 It looks really good and it's not available on Nook yet, so I can't wait to dive into it tonight.  Right now I'm finishing up The Dirt by Motley Crue!  HA HA HA A little opposite ends of the scale!!  Crue is my happiness - at least Nikki Sixx is, if you don't already know that! 

Oooh la la!
Any way, what was I saying?
Oh yes, onto another part of happiness today, although the prevy is so much better, I found this little ditty on
I haven't read the entire article yet, but I loved this statement:

And it's just so true.  I don't know if its the Italian in me, but I hold a grudge when I'm ticked off or when someone ticks me off.  And the stress that causes is just ridiculous!  My neck tenses,  my mouth pouts, my jaw locks, it's so insane!  Now I know I can't expect to never get mad or that someone or something won't tick me off, but I can expect not to hold a grudge about it forever!  Please read the article, the first half I've read so far, really is good!

Happy off to Sixxy land - - my happy place! 

Sheri's Sunday Exercise for the Day

Pulling weeds and.....
I had so much fun jumping on the trampoline with the kids yesterday.  And what a work out it is!  I jumped and did front flips for about 30 minutes!  And I can't believe it doesn't bother my knee! 
Today I'm a little sore - just like any work out, but I am feeling so good!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


With a busy weekend I only posted about my mowing.  But I didn't get to post about something much more important - friendship.
My best friend, Jane, and her husband, John, came in this weekend.  And she is not just my friend, her husband John is my friend, too.  I don't feel he's part of friendship as a duo with his wife, I feel he is a friend on stand alone terms.  And they are not just my friends, but friends of our WHOLE FAMILY!!!!  Cory, who doesn't like many people at all, truely cares for John and Jane.  The kids - please - they adore and love John and Jane.  They are such good friends, they are actually part of the family.  So having them come down, if only for the stop over, was so wonderful!  It felt good to be relaxed and comfortable with friends, and laugh, remember, and to even plan for months down the road.  It was a great visit and none of us can wait to spend time with them again.  THAT is happiness!  Friendship and family and love!  Am I'm blessed to have these gifts in my life.

Jane and Sheri

Saturday, March 19, 2011

manual labor

I didn't go for a walk today.  HOWEVER....I push mowed our yard, my parents yard and my parents neighbor's yard.  And my parents yard and their neighbor all required mulching of the leaves so literally its like mowing the yard 5,6,7 or more times!!!!!  And it felt so good!  I soooo wish I had my pedometer on today.  I bet it'd be way over 20,000!!!!  Easily!
My feet are killing me, but it's a good pain!  And we're off to the hottub to relax and unwind!
Hope everyone is having beautiful weather and getting outside and active!

Friday, March 18, 2011

What is NOT good for your health and happiness...

...Waking up to the dog having eatten one of your new walking shoes
The scale jumping because you had 4 margaritas (Chili's 2 for 1) and chips and salsa yesterday
Your paycheck NOT showing up in your bank account this morning

The 4 margaritas were good for my happiness, though.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Patiences and mothers

Obviously I'm frustrated with the weight range I'm stuck in in contrast to the efforts I'm putting in.  Everyone keeps telling me be patient, give it more time, don't get frustrated.  Even my mom.  Now I rarely go to my mother with weight loss/gain concern.  She is the queen of Weight Watchers, diet, Slimfast, and "bars" - meaning snack bars, meal bars etc.  When she was very  young she was heavy.  Then she lost all this weight and has weight phoebia.  But she knows almost everything there is to know - which I am NOT saying sarcastically, but she delivers it all very edgy.  She is also very critical of everyone - thin, fat, tall, short, buxom - you name it she critiques it (gee wonder where I get it).  So I have a hard time discussing with her knowing her thoughts etc.  Anyway tonight weight came up and even she said just dont' give up, don't get frustrated just continue the good things you are doing. And then I got a post from a group blog about not giving up.  I think Im getting sent a message - but I can't quite read it!  ha ha ha  DON'T GET FRUSTRATED, DON'T GIVE UP!
I did get to walk today but not the distance I wanted.  The kids and I were about to head to the park when our neighbor and her two boys were going too.  So it was a pack and we were more concerned with kids in the park and cars than how fast and how far I was walking.  We did the 1.6 and I was stressed ready to get home.  Then we all played in the yard, I helped Cory move the trailer containing all the lawn equipment across the yard - my strength training for the day, and ended the day of relaxing in the hottub with a cup of coffee!!!  Muscles fee great!
So Im off to bed for a semi-early night for me and looking forward to a new sunny bright healthy day tomorrow!
I'm thinking veggie sandwiches again!

Shame on me....

If you caught my early early morning post, you know I was acting like a baby.  The 4 year old in the pink dress with patten leather shoes.  "I can't"  - - what kind of a quitter phrase is that?  I can't - I can't lose weight or I won't?  I can't or I'm just not giving it 100%?    So if you haven't guessed the scale jumped today.  And a little red flag popped up when I remembered what I've eatten lately:  Pepperoni. 

Let's talk about pepperoni.  We all know it's BAD - fatty, greasy but full of flavor and oh so small!!!  But because, as I've said, I'm my own worst critic, I dug that little teeny weeny bag that the pepperoni came in, out of the trash - which is where I was also reminded that I had 2, not 1, but 2 Welches Fruit snacks last night at 80 calories each (definitely could have had a worst snack) - and discovered just how many calories and fat I ingested since the weekend.
14 slices of pepperoni (okay I am almost positive I did not each 14 at a sitting, so I have that going for me) are 140 caloires and 13g of fat!!!  Now how many servings are in each TEENY WEENY package?  8. 
Insert Yahoo's shocked and shaking face.  So I had 1120 calories worth of pepperoni since Friday.  Which is really only 224 calories per day.  Hmmmmm.  That doesn't sound bad, had some protein out of it, but it is very high in fat and sodium (490 per serving.).
So removing pepperoni from grocery list, since obviously I cannot control myself, and the Girl Scout cookies are just about gone - a few Thin Mints still in the freezer. 
My body is sooooo sore from painting.  How pathetic is that?  Everyone has asked me if I used a ladder?  Yes, a 2 step stepstool - but apparently that is what does it to you.  My hamstrings are so sore if you poked me, I'd drop to the floor and whimper!  HA HA HA  From PAINTING?!?!?! 
Okay, back to my walks today - work has interfered, but I figured my painting work out made up for it.  I'm contemplating Bob's Cardio Maxx, but I'm not sure my legs could handle it.  We'll see......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seeing Red...

...and loving it!!!
This is my office with it's new red walls!

It's one long office so imagine these pictures side by side.  I've wanted a red wall for so long.  In our first home we attempted this on a kitchen wall, but the red turned out to be the waaaaaay wrong red and it looked like deep purple wine.  After that my husband swore never again.  I hadn't been keeping my office organized and clean the way he wanted it lately so he said he was done fixing it up that I would need to find the motivation to do it myself.  Hmmmph!  So yesterday sitting here looking at the grey walls with big ugly white patches of spackle since like November, I decided I already had the gray primer and paint, so I was just going to do it!!!  Once the kids and I got there, though, I started staring at the reds.  And I had to be very careful.  I chose a red that was lighter than I would normall chose.  But it ended up beautiful and even my husband likes it. 
Last night before bed, my son ran down to the office and I asked what he was doing.  He said, "I just had to look at that beautiful wall just one more time!!!"
and today hugging me at my desk and her facing the red wall, my daughter said, "It's just so beautiful!'
So for my happiness, I have a red wall again.  And red being my favorite color, it just makes me happy being down here.  Oooooh - - - it's an office~I'd better get to work!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A new week

Sunday's are so great!  A morning of adult Bible study and church.  My slate of sin is wiped clean, I have a clear soul and I am ready to start the rest of the day and week.  Especially after last week, I needed that!
I read last Monday's blog and man, it's like I knew it was going to be hard, but little did I know.  And it all worked out, right? 
I am a little frustrated with my weight.  I started this blog, what?  2 weeks ago?  I'm still stuck in the 160's.  I hate that.  167, 168, 168, 169, 168, 169, 168.168.  How can I be stuck?  What have I done differently?  I've added any form of exercise on a regular daily basis - walking.  Between 1.6 and 2.4 miles - and almost always it was the latter.  Rain, cold, sunny what have you, I went walking.  I've been drinking so much water, so much more water than I had before - usually at least 8 glasses a day, and some days more.  I've been keeping a good food journal that I look back on.  My diet has drastically changed - adding so many more veggies and fruit and protein!  Removing wine, sodas, potato chips, cheese.  All of this should be good, and I honestly know it is.  I figured it'd take 2 weeks for a good steady change to show.  So this being my third week, I really hope to see the scale drop and not fluctuate back up again.  i'm usually my own worst critic, but even looking in the mirror, I can see slight changes already!  I did not take measurements before hand, but now wish I would.  I'll try to find my measuring tape tomorrow and track the changes from here.
Now with my diet I've had some cheese but not NEARLY what I was eating before.  I have noticed I have craved Girl Scout cookies - which I rarely crave sweets - but maybe cuz it's been more involved this week I've enjoyed them more.  But they've been the Lemon Chalets - not the Samoas.  oooh, and a frozen Thin Mint occassionally, but 1 or 2 not a whole sleeve or box!  I have had several pepperoni this week as we were going to make pizzas again.  But still I  have a hard time believing thse little things make such a difference.  Cuz at this point, I could have not changed a thing and still be stuck in the upper 160's.
So I'm hoping this week is the turning point and am not giving up!  I like the food and exercise changes I've made.  Their life changes, not short term diet changes.
One good happy thing this week, that is going to keep me smiling and my spirits up - - - Jane, my best friend, is coming to visit with her husband, John this weekend!  They are such an important part of mine and the family's life!!!  I really look forward to seeing them if only for a short time! 
It's a new day, a new week and I hope to make the best of it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Feet say, Ahhhhhhhhh!

Oh finally I bought a new pair of shoes today!  I had Ryka running shoes, but they did not support my feet whatsoever.  I think that was part of the reason my knees, feet and hips were hurting.  I went to their website and found that they do carry a specific walking shoe.  So I lucked out and found them on sale and had a $5 coupon for a total of $38!!!!!  Can you believe it?  I'm not too sure I'm crazy about the lace.  Can you see it it hangs down and instead of lacing up, you pull that little blue ball to tighten it securly where you want.  I forsee me cutting that thing at the bottom off in the near future!  HA HA HA

Kids are home from school today, just got back from shopping and grocery shopping.  I'm going to get the groceries put away and then maybe we can all head down to the park for the 2.4

Hope you have a happy and healthy day!

Ooh and with coupons - in our Nutrigrain cereal bar box, there were 2 coupons for $1 off the Morning Star Prime Burger Veggie burgers I like!  Save $11 at Wal-Mart today and $5 at Carnival Shoes!  Go me!  Go me!  ha ha ha

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Back to the Happiness portion of this blog. 
By my title, I'm sure it's obvious that I'm not feeling too "happy" today.  Disappointment is something we all experience.  It's something we teach our kids that is part of life.  Understanding disappointment is one thing, but dealing with disappointment is a whole other ballgame!  And I while I like to think of myself as a mature woman, sometimes I still want to be that little 4 year old girl in a pink dress, white socks, and pattenleather black shoes who might have gotten away with stomping my feet and crying, or the teenage girl who stomps down the hall and slams her bedroom door.  And then I think, well just not talking might be a more mature approach that really gets the message across that I'm miffed.  But none of these actions really help.  And none of them seem like a mature thing to do - although a good door slamming can make anyone feel better. 
So what do you do?  Go for a walk.  Sweat it out.  Make a plan to make things better next time.  Change.  Let is go.  Suck it up and move on.  These are better healthier solutions.  But somewhere in the back of my mind, that old attitude rears it ugly head that says, "This sucks and it isn't fair and I don't deserve this."  And my current attitude standing there tall and strong with arms cross across the chest, seems to, if only for a moment, turn around - look at my old attitude and give it a wink as if to say, "Yeah you're right."  And then goes right back to being a better attitude, tall, strong, and crossed arms across the chest.
Hmmmf.  I'd rather slam a door.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yummy Dinner!

Yummy Turkey Mexican Roll Up's!
Okay, I can clearly see that photo doesn't really do my wrap justice.  However, it wasn't until I'd taken several bites that I realized I should even take a picture!
This recipe is from Biggest Loser's Cookbook as Heather's Mexican Roll up.  It has 234 servings, 34g of protein, 14g carbohydrates, and 4 grams fat.  I made it with ground turkey, but you can also use Extra Lean Ground Beef.  But I thought, let's go for it!  If I can attempt and love a veggie burger, I can love ground turkey!
Hubby liked it - came back for two more!  Now I did do a slight sprinkle of Mexican mixed cheese on his - but maybe a tsp!  7 year old daughter liked it.  But, here is my prize for day!  My 5 year old son LOVED IT!  He kept saying how good it was, and that it was the best thing he's ever eatten.  And then----he hit me with, "Mommy, this is even better than pizza!"  I was floored!  Five year old boys don't lie about food...especially pizza!  I'll have to start doing a Owen's Taste Awards - thumbs up or thumbs down.  This one definitely gets an Owen's Thumbs Up!

1/4 lb extra lean ground turkey/extra lean ground beef
1 whole-wheat flower low carb tortilla
1 tbsp fat free sour cream
1/3 cup shredded romaine lettuce leafs
1/3 cup seeded chopped tomatoe
2 tbsp thick and chunky salsa

spray pan with tiny squire Pam olive oil or other non-stick spray
Brown ground turkey/beef and then set aside
Place tortilla in same pan cooking for 30 secs per side or until just warmed.  Transfer to serving plate.
Starting at one side, spread the sour cream evenly over 2/3 of the tortilla.  Scatter the reserved turkey or beef over the sour cream.  Top with the lettuce, tomato and salsa.  Start at the filled end, roll the tortilla tightly into a tube, being careful not to tear it.  Secure with toothpick if desired.

The dark skies sure make our grass look green!

The storms are rolling in right now and we have church tonight for Ash Wednesday.  Not sure if I'll be able to get my walk in.  Today was a busy day again.  I really hate that - I love my walks.

Learning and Lent

Every Wednesday, a group of my friends and I have long been weighing in and posting on another private blog that we have had since September.  Last week was the first time I weighed in since starting down My Path.  I was thrilled to post my weight.  A week later, I'm 2 pounds heavier.  Makes me stop and think.  I do keep a food journal.  And last week I was trying lots of new foods that really filled me up and were really healthy.  But as I look back towards the end of the week, I kept some healthy food items, but resorted back to a few staples I had in my life before.   Wine - and lots of it over the weekend.  Chips and salsa - which isn't bad as long as that is kept to a minimum.  But I love salsa and probably would put it on ANYTHING!  So I need to figure out a way to exchange my whole grain chips with something else OR minimize my intact.  The wine, I don't know what to do about that.  If I were an alcoholic I'd panic - that's not the case.  I just know I like wine and, again, in small amounts it should be okay.  Now here presents an opportunity - today is Ash Wednesday.  I sort of hate the fact that I always decide to give up some food/drink for Lent.  Not because it's hard to do - I actually like that challenge.  But because maybe what I give up should be more?  But here, we go I'll state it here - I'm giving up wine for Lent. 
One thing I need to figure out, I'm walking almost every day on average 2 miles.  And my eatting is much better than it was 2 weeks ago, so why isn't the scale doing anything different?  I hate the 160's.  When I finally DO get out of the 160's, and I will get out of the 160's, I am never coming back to them again!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chest pain and prayers

Yesterday was a crappy day.  Chalk it up and move on, right?  I worked until 2am to make up my time from all the interruptions and things during the day.  Slept in til a horridly late (ha ha ha) 7am,  got the kids ready and then headed over to mom's to use the printer while our computer is being examined.  I sit down, open my email and there It is.  My email pink slip.  I blinked once in disbelief.  My stomach instantly balled up into a huge knot and panic ensued.  Mom asked what was wrong and I just stormed out the front door telling her I had just gotten $%^&*(*&^% layed off!  I had to get home.  I prayed the whole time and also texted Cory and kept praying.  Praying for quick re-employment, for income, for my kids, for us.  When I got home I sat at my computer.  Said another prayer and then reread the email 5 maybe 6 times.  Sure enough - "...we hate to be the bearer of this news, we are so sorry, please file for unemployment..." on and on.  I finally emailed my boss telling her although I knew this was a possibility, I was truely blind sided this morning.  I started to enter my hours as instructed and was about to call Tennessee Unemployement when DING an email from my boss came in,
"NO!!!!!!!  You are not benched!!!!  You need to be coding!!!!!'
Uhm, What?  And that is what I replied.
And then the miracle and power of prayer came into my life, once again...
I was incorrectly included in an email that was sent out to many people in my office this morning. 
I was not layed off.  I am very much employed.  Honestly, I just broke down and cried.
Again, I don't think my heart will make it live past 55 or 60, especially with cruel jokes like this,
But I can tell you, as much as I liked my job yesterday, I FREAKING LOVE IT AND LOVE HAVING IT TODAY!!!
Praise God!  Amen....
And now, I'm getting my ass to work!  Right after I pray for all those hard working people who are fumbling around their morning after receiving that correct email this morning.
Remember to count your blessings and I hope you have a GREAT day!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

When life gives you lemons - make lemonade!

Phone fully submerssed in fresh brewed coffee.  Locked out of my company time system.  Can't get anyone to respond to my login issues.  Time/payroll lady off sick today.  Brownie scout mom who skated on last meeting when she was in charge of activity and no showed for cookie booth last Saturday emails me at 4pm today to say she cannot teach the girls to knit tomorrow as promised.  Bought new phone.  What a day.
So what did I do?  I walked it out!!!! 2.4 miles with Max.  And I ate fairly well.  Veggie burger for lunch, cereal bars for snacks, cottage cheese.  Lots and lots of water.  Slimfast for dinner - I just plain ran out of time.  Sprinkle in some Whole grain bite sized tortilla chips with homemade salas.  I think I did okay.
I feel like I'm learning to deal with things better.  There really is no point in yelling or stomping around.  First of all I was home alone.  Who would hear me?  And secondly, it's too stressful. 
Now, did I yell at the lady in front of me in the Goodwill drive through line cuz she was taking too long folding up her "donation" receipt and holding a line of cars up?  Absolutely!  And did I then curse her when she stopped 5 foot from entering the road cuz she was once again checking down - assuming in her purse?  Definitely!  But that was Saturday.  Today is Monday.  And I handled today's cornucopia of events quite well.
By the way, I notified all the Brownie moms that I would not be returning next year as the leader.  Now this is not a knee-jerk reaction to the mom sticking it to me for the 3rd time in 2 weeks.  I've been saying I would do this since this year started.  It's my 3rd year as the leader.  It's time for another mom to step up.  But as soon as I sent that email (which was professional and kind) the stress lifted off my shoulders!  It was like it was the last thing I needed to do.  I've already stopped being a Mary Kay Consultant.  So now, I should have more ME time for my family and friends.
Tomorrow is going to be great!  I just know it!!!