Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday Day 2

I didn't see drastic results from my mowing/biking Sunday - I actually gained a pound.   
Monday after work I hopped on my bike and hit the park, too.  WHOA - I forgot you're usually a little sore in the tooshie area after not riding for awhile.  I almost turned around to give myself a day to heal.  But I didn't.  However, once I hit the park I realized how windy it was!  And after just 1 lap, my legs were like noodles.  I was riding, and actually laughing at how pathetic I was.  I made it 2 laps and burned 250 calories.  Tuesday the scale showed I dropped .9 pound.  Rolling my eyes (rme). 

For dinner, I tried something I have NEVER EVER had before!  The thought of it makes me gringe, as I've never enjoyed.....TUNA!!!  I tried it about 10 years ago when working at hospital and they had tuna salad on a beautiful flaky croissant with a pretty piece of leafy lettuce under it.  Looked great. I ate it and got horrifically sick - must have sat out in the display case too long.  So many years later, my husband has it all the time, I make it for him, but I am so not about tuna.  This week I bought another thing I drastically hate  Helper.  Hamburger helper does about the same thing to me as that spoiled tuna did.  But I thought I'd try Tuna Helper and see if the kids enjoyed it.  Of course, at first no one was thrilled, but then it ended up we LOVED IT!!!!!  I almost ate it all before I remembered to take a pix for proof! 
I had 2 helpings.  That scared me. 
So I checked the SIDE of the box....
First of all I didn't use 2 cans of tuna, as it calls for, when making this - thought it'd be too strong for us tuna newbies and we used light water packed tuna and topped eat helping with a squeeze of fresh lemon.  So I'm thinking that 260 per 1 cup serving is actually lower for us. All in all the kids loved it, I appreciated it and funny enough - my tuna loving husband stuck his nose up at it!  LOL

Tuesday is Cougartown Night.

I had told myself I was going to cut the wine down but that I didn't want to say I wouldn't have any at all.  That if I had it once a week, I didn't want to be guilt ridden.  I decided last night, when I remembered Cougartown was on (love that show), that Tuesday night would be a good wine night.  I did struggle with this all afternoon/evening - I won't go get wine, I don't need a glass of a wine, I don't even want a glass of wine, wait Cougartown is on, you can't watch Cougartown and not drink wine, no I don't need wine, yes I'll just have a glass, oooh  I'll buy a small bottle and that way I'll only have a small amount.  So I get to the liquor store and look for Middle Sister wine.  It takes me forever to decide which type I want, turns out I'm Rebellious California Merlot, and then I see it's $9.99 a bottle.  Now in terms of wine that isn't much at all.  So I grab it.  But then I think, well Cory might want some, and he won't like the Merlot as much.  The box of Sangria is $17.99 and then he can have as much as he wants (He, right?  As much as HE wants).  So sure enough, I put back the Middle Sister and grab the old time favorite box of Sangria. 
So a couple glasses of wine later, and 2 slices of Colby jack cheese, while laughing at Jules and Grayson on Naked Day, I really didn't feel guilty.  Could I have passed, though?  Of course, I could have - I'm not an alcoholic.  The problem was association of the wine and entertainment.  So, I have figured out a new way to do this - I'll DVR Cougartown and then have a glass of wine on the weekend after I've worked hard all week.  That way it is a treat, or an award!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Day 1

Good morning!
I started my day as usual saying, "Good Morning, God!"   I greet my creator who allows me to awake each day!  Starting my day off right!!! 
I decided today I'd get up, get dressed fix my hair - right away.  Remember, I work from home, so sometimes, I don't have to do any of this until mid-afternoon when I go to get the kids. Then I had my coffee and, I'll admit, hit Facebook.  But I'm glad I did.  Joyce Meyer's started my day of perfectly, she never ceases to wow me with how her thoughts hit directly to my heart!

What an amazing thought!  I AM saying today, that I' going to turn my life around.  I'm starting a healthy living today and as always, I give my heart to God.  I just thought what great support to start my day!

At my first break, I decided I'll make my yummy yummy favorite Southwest Quinoa Salad. 
Mmmmm fresh cilantro, fresh squeezed lemon....
I got this from my Clean Eating magazine about 2 years ago and I just love it!!!!  Even some of my fussy butt friends, like it!  I love the fresh ingredients and the crisp bright flavors.  And it looks awesome in my serving bowl from my bestie, Jane!
I can't wait to have a bowl of this for lunch! 
Yesterday I spent a little time looking at clean eating, healthy cooking blogs!  I'm going to be trying to find some good healthy things to eat and share.  If you know of any please let me know (leave comments below). 
I'm not sure if I'll bike again today or pop in Just Dance 4.  Ya know yesterday I eneded up gaining weight.  I knew the Mexican was bad, but I burned 1400 calories!!!  I have such a hard time understanding my body and how it works.
One thing I will ask, if you know me or just find me while your scanning blogs on line, please leave me a msg in the comment below!  Let me know what you think, what you're looking for, and/or mature criticism (negative or vicious msg's will not be posted and you will be blocked).
Have a Happy Healthy Day!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring is in the air

Well it's another beautiful day in Nashville, TN. 
My husband is an outdoors kind of guy and the hint of an early spring we had last Monday put him in Full Head On Spring Gear!!!  The 4 cooler/rainy days disappointed him only until he found out yesterday and today were going to be sunny and 59.  Tomorrow 61!!!!!! 
So once again today, after church we hit Wal-Mart, like everyone else does and came home to get outside!!!  I mowed and burned 924 calories - The back yard must not be as big as the front yard.  And then I went directly to my biked and met the kids and hubby at the park for an additional 376 calorie burn for a total of 1400 calories.  It's days like this, where I thoroughly enjoyed what I was doing burning those calories that I think, Why don't I do this every day?  It's so easy!  It's so fun!
Aside from our grass not growing at warp speed nor my mowing business reality, I'm not sure why I don't get out and burn calories like this every day.
Now, please note, today after church we ALSO went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, La Loma's.  We haven't been there, literally, in months.  We used to go 2-3 times per week at one point!  So it really was a treat. 
But of that 1400 calories, I wonder how much I really pushed into fat burning after knocking off my 2 soft tacos, rice, beans, and basket of chips and salsa.  ***I did have 2 glasses of ice water.
My friend Jenni has been oh so patiently trying to help me find  my own path that actually leads me somewhere besides disappointment and failure.  When I was feeling down and trapped the other day, all the reasons I felt that way, she pointed out to me were merely road blocks.  And I thank her ever so much for not saying, "excuses".  To me, excuses are pathetic reasons - I'm tired, I have nothing to wear, I just showered, blah blah blah.  For me, my reasons are factual and truly cause bumps in my road, i.e.  I don't have $65 to spend at the gym per month, I don't have $12 per day to spend on fancy mixes, I don't have time to join a class somewhere (we're still in mass Over Time at my office), and when I do try things that I really like, then my foot problems kick in.  And that's no, ooh I'm sore, that's literally - to walk hurts!!!    Before I could always walk.  If I didn't have time for anything else, hit the pavement - 15, 30, 45 minutes, it was therapeutic and it was exercise!  I love love love walking.  So to have something so simple taken away from me as an option has really set me for a  loop.  People say - ride your bike or swim.  Swim?  Really?  Shall I jump in the lake?  I'm not joining the YMCA for $80 per month (as we already discussed)?  Our pool won't be up for at least another month and not ready to swim in for at least 3 months.  Biking, well, I can do that weather permitting, so that is an option.
Jenni told me, don't me or yourself what you can't do - that's negative!  Come up with a list of things you CAN DO!  At first I was like Oh blah blah blah Mrs Optimistic, but then later I could clearly see that she was right. 
I can mow, I can ride my bike, I can do Just Dance 4.  All of those burn at least 400 calories per session.
Foods, I said I can't go out right now and buy fancy shakes (though I'd really love to), or special ingredients for special diets, but I CAN limit my wine intake (which I've already been doing), I CAN, not eat out especially at fast food restaurants (which I've already been doing), I can make healthy smoothies for breakfast eat day (which I do sometimes already), have my excellent vitamin filled minestrone for lunch, and good protein and salad/vegetable for dinner each night.  And drink tons and tons of water!!!!
So today, I do feel like there may be some hope on the horizon.  I do feel my situation is unique, especially with my feet, but then again there are people with no feet, no legs, and uusually I hate when people mention that, cuz really?  Come on, duh!  But this time it's true.  What do they do for exercise?  So I'm going to have to quit, ugh, I hate to say this, feeling sorry for myself (I'm so pouting as I type that, maybe even a little huffy, and definitely glaring with a semi eye roll), and figure out new and perhaps even exciting ways to make things work for me.
I don't pretend my blog is going to help anyone, if anything I hope someone will post in the comments and help me!!!  I do think sometimes, though, I'll make someone laugh and maybe one day surprise someone with a good weight loss!
And Jenni sent this to me.  I was to wrapped up in my crabbiness to realize she was making a joke regarding my foot issues at first, but then I got it.  Good ole Jenni!  I just love her!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Listen..This Will Change Your Life

Cory shared this with me today.  Yeah, it's long - 30 minutes - but it's so good. 
Will you take a 30 day challenge with yourself?


Oh Monday was a beautiful day here in Nashville!  It was SPRING for sure!!!!  Cory was getting stuff out of the shed for fertilizing and I asked if I could mow!!!
I forgot how much I love mowing.  I love being out getting exercise, I love the head phones on and jamming to my music, I love that I'm all alone while doing this, too.  The fresh air, the smell of cut grass!!!  And when it was all over, I whooped and burned 1400 calories.
Again, I was whooped!  It's been a long winter without much exercise.  I had bought Just Dance 4 and was doing that 45 minutes a night burning 500 calories.  But as work has gotten busy, I've gotten away from that.  Plus the only time I would have is at night with kids home - they don't need to see their mom dancing to Umbrella by Rhianna!  ha ha ha
When I got on the scale Tuesday morning expecting a big drop, I also remembered, when I mow I don't seem to lose weight.  How is this possible?!  Last summer I can sort of understand because I would drink so much water cuz I was dying of heat and then after mowing came Lime-A-Ritas.
But Monday I only had one glass of water and a half of Lime-A-Rita.  (((shrugs shoulders)))
Today I got up, got on the scale, no change.  Ugh, frustration as usual.
I did make a GIANT pot of minestrone soup Monday, too.  And this time, I left out the white wine that usually is in this recipe.  I added more water and extra chicken broth and it turned out great! So Ive been eating that which is low cal and full of vegetables and vitamins.  I've also been drinkings lots of water!!! 
So we'll see....

Monday, February 18, 2013

A new year, a new path?

I was  not happy about my journey last year.
I keep hearing and reading that perhaps I'm just not ready for my change.
I am ready!  I want this!
But life gets in  my way.  Have I lost my great art of multi-tasking?  I work 40+ hours a day, I have 2 kids, I have a husband.  When I say these things, I'm told those are excuses.  Are they?  Or are they facts.  And even when I can bypass the daily routine issues, then my feet start hurting.
I get frustrated because I want to over come these issues, but when I try there seems to just be a bigger hurdle lying in wait behind it.
eat less = lose weight
That seems easy enough, right?  But even when I do, it doesn't happen.
Maybe this journey, this time, needs to be more research?  I hate that, that means sitting around.
I think I'll track more what works and what doesn't work.
Usually I love pictures, but I know that takes a lot of time to post and publish and if I'm looking for more time, then I may have to tone down the pix.  =(

This morning I made a mixed wild berry smootie with Vanilla sugar free almond milk, fat free vanilla yogurt and two HEAPING tablespoons of ground flax seed.