Monday, March 12, 2012

112 Days = less than 4 months!!!!

What I am not going to do in todays post -
I am not going to tell you I've been on a eating binge from hell this past week!

I am going to tell you that, once I again, I was reminded that acting on the bad cravings never really satisifies the desire.  However, when I eat healthy, I'm usually content.

This weekend my husband and I started building a 10'x12' outdoor playhouse for our kids.  So I'vve hauled 2x4's, 4x4's, deck planks and sheets of plywood.  In addition to that, I tored down our old wire/post fence.  One would think that not such a hard job, but one would be wrong.

This is not my yard, but this is what was up when we bought the house. 
This weekend I got to rip that down.  Large wire cutters, heavy hammers and sledge hammers were all the required tools.  Those posts are in the ground and held with cement.  When my husband told me I could use the truck to push them over, I didnt' realize he meant VERY SLOWLY and just GENTLY PUSH.  I didn't rev through them, but 2 I broke off, then requiring me to HAND DIG THEM OUT!  ARGH!

So I have definitey gotten lots of fresh air as we were outside from morning to night.  And I definitely got my workouts in - YOU try slinging a sledge hammer!

Although I did get fitness in, my diet suffered at the hand of quick no-bake food, i.e. fast food and chips!  ARGH!  But thinking as I soaked in a tub of epsoms salts last night, starting to beat myself up, I once again remembered this quote:
“Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ”
Mary Anne Radmacher

So today I had a small but decent breakfast, I've had my iced coffee (no sweet n low), and to settle my queezy stomach, so pita chip crumbs.  ha ha ha  I just ordered my grilled chicken salad with balsalmic vinegarette dressing and am about to get up to get a large tumbler of iced water.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy March - Day 117

First of all, I saw this and thought it worthy to note.  It's National Nutrition Month! 

This was a great reminder to me, that my plate is probably not in the shape I want it in lately, which is not good for my goals, which then reminded me.....

Once again Im making very little progress.  I am 117 days away from my birthday and my goal.  What is holding me up?
I do try to eat right - smoothies for breakfast, quinoa salad for lunch, dinners are questionable.
What am I doing wrong -
*we had wine this weekend - lots of it!  It's gone, now, though, and I'm back on water!
*pizza - it's been a freaking pizza fest at our house lately!  I don't care if the pizza is only $4.99 no more of it for ME!
*Chai Lattes - yes I love my chai lattes, but I'm a long way from my Chai's being special and only once a week.  Of course Wal-mart isn't carrying my Twinings Chai tea anymore so I was forced to pick another brand.  I chucked it out the window as I was driving to work today.  Now what?
*Lack of exercise - My knees are just weak lately.  I'm fearful of an injury.  I need to start doing my 100 Workout again (only did it once last week).
*Hummus.  Now I know hummus is healthy.  the problem is it tastes so darn good I eat half the container!!!
*Water decrease - I  have not been drinking as much water as I used to or need to!

This all made me think of where I was when I started this blog and that made me realize I missed my Sheri's Path 1st Anniversary!

I've gone through a lot since Feb 23 of last year, but I think I've come out a stronger, healthier woman physically, emotionally, and mentally.

So Happy March, Happy 117 Days left to go, and Happy 1st Anniversary!!!